Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aptitude Preparation Blog - 3

1)A man has 2 dogs and at least one of them is male. What is the probability that the other is also male? (3)
Ans : 1/3

2) There is a five digit no: Find out the no: from following clues(6)
1) There are 2 prime numbers
2)  digit 2 is the lowest
3)  digit 3 is the largest
4) no digit repeats
5)  digit 1 > 4th + 5th
6) 5th digit is double the 4th
ans: 71842

 3)  A tells B,” I think, ur company has 30 Clerks?”
B says “ No, but if I have twice as much girls or thrice as much men, then I will have 30”.In a year or two perehaps.How many Clerks, B has now?
Ans : 18 (12 girls + 6 women)

4) a series 2, 8, 64, 512 .... next one
Ans: 512*256 =131072

5) There are 3 societies a,b,c.  a lent tractors to b and c as many 
as they had.  After some time b gave as many tractors to a and c
as many as they have.  After sometime c did the same thing.
At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24.
Find the tractors each orginally had.

Ans a had 39, b had 21, c had 12,

6) There N stations on a railroad. After adding x stations 46 additional 
tickets have to be printed. Find N and X. 
Ans. let N(N-1) = t; 
         (N+x)(N+x-1)       = t+46; 
         trail and error method   x=2  and N=11 

All the best!!Personal Interview Question are coming soon..
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